The Oatmeal Man is Coming: 26 DAYS REMAIN….

I had the great opportunity to be in a movie with my friends a while back. Written by Jesse Gordon and directed by Sean Gordon The Oatmeal Man dropped Claude Foster, Nicole Kunz, Moira Dennis, and Krisondra Daigneault into a laugh out loud cheesy horromedy. (Horror/Comedy… you know… like Feast or The Stuff… )


Taking a page out of Kevin Smith’s book we got a bunch of friends together and had a great time making a movie! We are dropping this flick on July 1st of this year so head on over to our indiegogo to contribute and get your perks now!!


p.s. Here’s a trailer…..



Star Wars vs. Star Trek…. As if That Was a Battle….

Sith Monkeys....

Sith Monkeys….

The EMC Monkeys have put together for your viewing pleasure a wonderful Star Wars/Star Trek mashup video. Check it out! Ever wonder how a phaser holds up against a lightsaber? What would Spock use against a Force-Wielder? Could Captain Kirk monologue a Sith to death using boredom? How many Sith does it take to destroy an Enterprise? The answers to some of these questions and more are in this video!!

Continue reading

Paul Biane Saber Guild Show


Saber Guild never misses a photo op.

If you were at the Rancho Cucamonga Star Wars Day event then you were witness to the grand success the Saber Guild show was! My wife and I participated as Aayla Secura and Quinlan Vos respectively. We also had Darth Maul, Darth Tyranus, and their Sith assassins versus our Jedi Knights.

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Star Wars Day at the Paul Biane Library

The best defense for a flying sith is....

The best defense for a flying sith is what Obi-Wan used on Mustafar….

If you want to see Jedi cross blades with Sith then come out this Sat. the 25th of May 2013 to see the annual Saber Guild show at the Paul Biane Library’s Star Wars Day! The event starts at 1:00 and the Saber Guild will be performing live lightsaber combat! There’s lots of fun and troops from The Dark Empire and The 501st Imperial Legion will also be there. My wife and I will join the show as Aayla Secura and Quinlan Vos respectively so come see us fight it out for a safe and secure society!

Stop making funny faces my old padawan...

Stop making funny faces my old padawan…

Come join us!

Paul Biane Library

12505 Cultural Center Drive
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739


1:00pm to 4:00pm

Join the Facebook Event Page too!!

Tony Dies at the End

Subscribe to the channel to get your weekly monkey fix!!

Subscribe to the channel to get your weekly monkey fix!!

We’ve all been there. Our roommate ate our last sandwich. Our buddy left to the concert without us. We got in the car and our mom left us with no gas. They told that story of how you farted in gym class to that hot girl at the party. Somebody put my Blu Rays back in non-alphabetical order and I can’t find Fight Club because it’s between Sin City and Star Wars.

They must die.

You must have justice.

They must pay the ultimate price.

Monkey Style

Try it next time and let us know how it works.

Roomies! Rules and IOUs

By far the most interesting single serving roomie I've ever met.

By far the most interesting single serving roomie I’ve ever met.

Fresh out of the Workshed are two brand new Roomies! episodes.

First John gets a second chance at Karen.

Then John tries to make a sandwich and Zach has job prospects.

So break the first two rules of Roomies! and leave us some comments and likes on our Facebook. Enjoy.

May the 4th at Phat Collectibles

Master Vos hasn't quite moved his troops to Boz Pity yet.

Master Vos hasn’t quite moved his troops to Boz Pity yet.

If you’re a Star Wars fan then May the 4th should be a circled day in your calendar. Whether you celebrate it by Watching the Saga straight through, playing some LEGO Star Wars, reading some graphic novels, watching some Robot Chicken specials, bringing your action figure collection to a friends house to make bigger scenes, making Yoda pancakes, catching up on your X-Wing books, or listening to some Fan Fiction audio books, this is a day for all of us. This year however we got a double whammy because May the 4th was also Free Comic Book Day!! So not only could we do all the aforementioned activities but we could journey to our local comic shop and pick up some books on the house!!

Well this year was a hat trick for me. My wife and I recently joined up with the Saber Guild, a charity organization that raises money by dressing up as Lightsaber wielders and performing fights!! We were invited to Phat Collectibles by our sister organization The Dark Empire to troop for Free Comic Book Day and troop we did!



As my first event with this organization I had a great time. Taking pictures with kids and hanging with fellow Jedi is a great way for my May the 4th to go! Darth Vader made an appearance and Liz’s Aayla was very popular with the fans. I can’t wait for the next event where we’ll actually be doing a show! In the meantime check out the gallery and don’t forget to visit the links at the bottom! Joining up is a great way to becoming part of a larger world and becoming a real hero.

Saber Guild

The Dark Empire

Phat Collectibles

ROOMIES! update: High Fives, Dating, the Abnormal, and ????


We’re hard at work over here at the Roomies! YouTube channel. We’ve got some more hilarity in store for you if you haven’t been subscribing like you should. Plenty of adventure and excitement for you to laugh at.

For example:

1. The history and inevitable future of the high five….

2. Less popular interpretations of the three date rule….

3. Strange and peculiar oddities involving people who live together….

So laugh enjoy and check out the Facebook page and Twitter for all the updates! We’ll see you Thursday!

Mr. Rei and the wonderful ROOMIES!

It looks like the ROOMIES! have got to deal with the new player in town. Their landlord Mr. Rei!!

….and Mr. Rei doesn’t take shit from anyone.


And one more!!!

The Roomies! may have met their match….

I think I’ve seen Mr. Rei before….

Watch ’em all here!!!




Ducking the law!

Ducking the law!

I had a chance to work with my good friend Lucas Culshaw who you might be a fan of because of his brutal work on the annual Hollywood Horror Nights at Universal Studios. Or you might like his movies Wasteland or 408. In any case we have a new webseries out! Roomies is the collection of misadventures of John (John Livesay)and Zach (Zachary Block) renting together.  Just watch this….

Don’t forget to subscribe to Workshed Pictures TV for all the updates and episodes!

Still haven’t had enough? How about a commercial?

So throw your comments up, “like” the Facebook page and guess what kind of mishaps this duo will find themselves in next?