2013, Jedi, Wishes, Ninjas, Nintendo, The Dark Knight, and Training

So during this last quarter I think I’ve been pretty busy all things considered. Between Saber Guild appearances, EMC shoots, training, and music I’d say this has been a pretty good year! So instead of bombarding your feed with 37 catch up posts I think I’ll just go for the SuperMegaPOST (patent pending) and hit you with all kinds of goodness right NOW!!

Saber Guild appearances and shows went great this past few months. I’m actually starting to get recognized as Quinlan Vos now and every time my wife hits a show she gets bombarded with pic requests! We had a great time at Nuke the Fridge Con, Long Beach Comic Con, and of course a legendary Make a Wish Foundation event.

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The Make a Wish event was one of the greatest things I’ve ever had the privilege and honor to be a part of. Benton is a young boy who wished to become a Jedi Knight and defeat Darth Vader. Together with the 501st and the Rebel Legion we were able to make his wish come true in a full day of Jedi training and a SECOND day of battle in which he accomplished his wish and defeated Darth Vader himself.

Watch a wish come true here:

Working with the EMC Monkeys has been one of the things I’m most proud of. Every single one of them is amazingly skilled and training with them gives me so much insight to my own skills. I’ve been training hard and trying to move my own skills into their realm and I plan on keeping it up! We’ve been pretty busy lately with great stuff like this:

And This:

And of Course This:

This year I also had the chance to work with Machinima on a really cool Dark Knight video that became so successful it succeeded in getting a cease and desist letter from Warner bros! Watch the vid here:

This was GREAT fun to be a part of but I also got the chance to work with some REALLY cool people from one of my FAVORITE WEB SERIES’ EVER!!!

I hope to make 2014 just as productive and hopefully up the intensity even more!! I plan on new music more videos and more Jedi appearances so hope to see you all there!!

May the Force be with you


P.S. ….. We got a WiiU for Xmas! Hells yeah Wind Waker!! Anybody who wants to play games look for me on Miiverse as PeralesClan and I’m on PSN as ShadowBlkDgn

Star Wars vs. Star Trek…. As if That Was a Battle….

Sith Monkeys....

Sith Monkeys….

The EMC Monkeys have put together for your viewing pleasure a wonderful Star Wars/Star Trek mashup video. Check it out! Ever wonder how a phaser holds up against a lightsaber? What would Spock use against a Force-Wielder? Could Captain Kirk monologue a Sith to death using boredom? How many Sith does it take to destroy an Enterprise? The answers to some of these questions and more are in this video!!

Continue reading

Tony Dies at the End

Subscribe to the channel to get your weekly monkey fix!!

Subscribe to the channel to get your weekly monkey fix!!

We’ve all been there. Our roommate ate our last sandwich. Our buddy left to the concert without us. We got in the car and our mom left us with no gas. They told that story of how you farted in gym class to that hot girl at the party. Somebody put my Blu Rays back in non-alphabetical order and I can’t find Fight Club because it’s between Sin City and Star Wars.

They must die.

You must have justice.

They must pay the ultimate price.

Monkey Style

Try it next time and let us know how it works.

What the hell is a Harlem Shake?

So if you’ve been YouTube surfing lately you might have come across those “Harlem Shake” vids that are floating around. Apparently a person in an ordinary setting will start dancing and then the world erupts in craziness of Jacob’s Ladder proportions… uh….. Never mind the explanation here’s what we did:

So…. um….

I don’t get it.

Even Jar Jar showed up.

Even Jar Jar showed up.

So who can you find in there?

Mario vs Luigi: Sibling Rivalry!!!

Years ago two brothers became heroes. As time went on one began soar in popularity to become one of the most iconic characters in video games ever. The other brother watched and waited as the shadow he stood in grew and grew….

Then this happened.

You’re welcome! For more awesome videos like this subscribe to EMC Revolution on YouTube and don’t forget to share and comment!!

Who is your favorite brother?

REACTORCON….. Where we come out to play

So how did everyone like ReactorCon?

Hey ma look it’s me!

It was AWESOME! I showed up with the EMC Monkeys to do a little halftime show for their cosplay contest. We had a great time!!  I got to see Joe Romersa perform some Silent Hill songs, a well deserved Link win the cosplay contest, and hang with the Saber Guild!!

Our show was the usual EMC beatdown and the audience LOVED IT!! I hope we get invited next year to return because we had a blast! Here’s a few little snaps!

Anyway this happened…

Come see The Urban Ninja and the EMC Monkeys at ReactorCon!!

Wanna come to a FREE one-day convention in SoCal?

Come check us out at ReactorCon on

November 24th, 2012 at Frank and Son at 19649 San Jose Ave, City of Industry, CA 91748.

Did I mention it’s free?

This is a free event filled with all kinds of awesomeness such as special guests, gaming tournaments, cosplay contests, fan film booths, and concerts. This is the first NerdReactor convention who is great for fans of video games, comics, anime, and cosplay. If that’s not enough to get you there then guess what?

The EMC Monkeys (and I)will be doing a live performance! Be sure to check out our performance between 2-3pm! We’ll also have a booth so come on down and get some shirts, patches, and stickers! (Don’t Forget to Like the Facebook Page and follow us on Twitter…… anybody use Google+?

Want to see Ninja skills in action? Want to see some badass Mandalorians? What about hot cosplay girls? Wanna meet Sid Haig?

Check out all the info at http://reactorcon.com/

Go like the Facebook page!!

Join the event invite!!

See you there!


Recently some friends of mine unearthed a rare never before seen Kool-Aid commercial from the early 90’s. Apparently I was in this one with Tony Sre and Sam-oan.

I’m pretty sure this aired somewhere between Ninja Turtles and Tiny Toons.

What’s your favorite 90’s cartoon?

What’s your favorite colorful refreshment?

Watermelon is delicious.

Bourne Movies are Confusing

Alright. I confess I haven’t seen the latest Jeremy Renner version but I have seen the Damon trilogy. American fight choreo seems to go something like this:

Fight Coordinator: Ok, I’m going to have you do do some really close quarters combat fighting. Very fast and direct.

Director: Great, I’ll tell the Camera Operator to prepare for his seizure.

Damon: So what do you want me to do?

Fight Coordinator: Oh it’s really easy, just stay close to these stunt men, flail around aimlessly, make some fighting grunts and they’ll take care of the rest.

Director: Ok are we ready to roll on this?

(The Camera Operator is spining in circles with his forehead on a bat.)

Camera Operator: 49… 50. Ok. Uh…. whoa…. Rolling!

Director: ACTION!

Everyone: ….

Well, instead of the usual EMC fighting prowess this week the monkeys decided to take a page from Hollywood and try their hand at an American (chuckle) fight scene. There’s no way not to enjoy this because whether the fight works or doesn’t work, it still works.

So tell me,

Is this Hollywood enough for you?

They do it monkey style.

We’re Taking Stop Motion Back

So the last time you thought you saw some awesome stop motion was one of the following:

1. Badass Ray Harryhausen monsters.

2. The OG King Kong.

3. The EPIC Rebel Defeat at the Battle of Hoth

But if you don’t know what a VHS is you might not be familiar with the ancient art of stop motion.

A relic of a forgotten age

You probably think the scene in Empire is just some old school CG or something stupid. Well guess what? IT’S NOT!! Someone built some badass AT-ATs and Tauntauns, shot them one frame at a time and painstakingly moved them through their actions!! (I’m guessing the current instant gratification generation is thinking “What does painstakingly mean?”) What if someone thought to do an AWESOME fight with stop motion. Someone with fighting skills. Someone who could actually do a cool fight instead of most of the stop motion crap adrift in the sea of mediocrity that is YouTube. Someone like… the EMC Monkeys. Well, then you might end up something you could enjoy watching! So here it is

…. enjoy watching!

Learn well young ones. Stop motion can be a thing of beauty… or hilarity.


What’s your favorite stop motion moment?

The Battle of Hoth!!!!