Win Wasteland Goodies!

So by now you should be aware that a movie I scored is being released on Oct 11th. What you may not be aware of however is that the folks at the Wasteland page are giving away some cool stuff to celebrate the DVD release! Check out the details here at the Wasteland DVD release event and pre order your copy if you haven’t already yet. To win stuff all you have to do is LIKE the Wasteland page. That’s it!! The first prize is a poster signed by the Writer and Director when the page reaches 300 likes!! The more likes the page gets the more Wasteland swag will be given away!! So get out there and LIKE the page, share with your friends, and buy the DVD!! Don’t forget to check out all the exclusive content on the page and show some love, likes, and comments!!

Join the Apocalypse!

You can preorder the DVD here:

P.S. Deepdiscount and Blowitoutahere have Wasteland for CHEAP!!!

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